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Ed Spear plays the role of "Bruno" in Gaspar Noé’s Enter the Void. He’s living in Tokyo.
Interview lead by Fred.
Could you introduce yourself ?
I’m Ed Spear, I’m from Bristol, England. I have lived in Japan for 8 years. Before coming to Japan I travelled and lived in many different countries.
Before shooting for him, did you know Gaspar Noé and his movies ?
I had seen Irreversible, but I didn’t know much about Gaspar himself.
How have you been involved in Enter the Void ?
I went to an audition in the summer of 2007, and I guess they liked me so they invited me back for a second interview with Gaspar.
How long did your part of shooting last ?
My shooting was quite spread out, over a few months. We did scene here and a scene there. Gaspar called Nathan and I back for some extra scenes a month or so after shooting was supposed to have ended.
What’s about the other actors, Paz, Nathan, Cyril and the two kids, Emily and Jesse ?
Well I never got to know the kids, we weren’t in any scenes together and so we weren’t properly introduced. Cyril was great, he really helps to keep your spirit up after hours and hours of shooting. I shot only one scene with Paz and we didn’t get a chance to talk until Cannes, I regret that we didn’t get the chance to talk more. Nathan was cool, easy going and easy to work with.
Can you tell us some words to describe your character, Bruno ?
Bruno is quite a disgusting kid of guy. He’s the only gay character in the film and I think he prefers young men. He is heavily into drugs, it’s his livelihood after all. Oh and he’s a voyeur to, as he likes to take drugs and watch couples having sex. He knows the police are probably looking for him and he doesn’t want everyone to know his name, but he still a has drugs scattered all over his apartment. He the man to see for just about anything you need.
Is it difficult to shoot a movie in Tokyo ? I’ve heard it had been particularly complex, technically speaking. What were the difficulties ?
I didn’t encounter any difficulties, thanks to the production crew. They were wonderful throughout.
Was there a camera on the set to film an hypothetical making-of ?
What do you finally think about Enter the Void ?
I loved the kids, and Cyril was great. I reckon it was an incredibly difficult concept to put down on film, but Gaspar did a great job. The cinematography was really innovative and I really enjoyed it. I thought the ending was great.
In May, you were in Cannes. Is it a good souvenir ?
Going to Cannes was fantastic. It was an experience like no other. To walk up the Red Carpet was, to use a cliche, like a dream.
How were the reactions during and after the screening ?
Once or twice there was a little noise during the screening, and I can’t believe the number of people coughing. But afterwards the applause seemed to last forever, and I heard nothing but good things. Many people came up to me and said that it was fantastic, and that they had felt something special deep inside. It was an honour for me to have been a part of the occasion.
Are you going to Toronto, now ? [editor's note : the interview has been made in August 2009]
I can’t go to Toronto unfortunately. I’m afraid of flying, so I’m content not to go.
Thanks to Ed Spear
Ed Spear plays the role of "Bruno" in Gaspar Noé’s Enter the Void. He’s living in Tokyo.
Interview lead by Fred.
Could you introduce yourself ?
I’m Ed Spear, I’m from Bristol, England. I have lived in Japan for 8 years. Before coming to Japan I travelled and lived in many different countries.
Before shooting for him, did you know Gaspar Noé and his movies ?
I had seen Irreversible, but I didn’t know much about Gaspar himself.
How have you been involved in Enter the Void ?
I went to an audition in the summer of 2007, and I guess they liked me so they invited me back for a second interview with Gaspar.
How long did your part of shooting last ?
My shooting was quite spread out, over a few months. We did scene here and a scene there. Gaspar called Nathan and I back for some extra scenes a month or so after shooting was supposed to have ended.
What’s about the other actors, Paz, Nathan, Cyril and the two kids, Emily and Jesse ?
Well I never got to know the kids, we weren’t in any scenes together and so we weren’t properly introduced. Cyril was great, he really helps to keep your spirit up after hours and hours of shooting. I shot only one scene with Paz and we didn’t get a chance to talk until Cannes, I regret that we didn’t get the chance to talk more. Nathan was cool, easy going and easy to work with.
Can you tell us some words to describe your character, Bruno ?
Bruno is quite a disgusting kid of guy. He’s the only gay character in the film and I think he prefers young men. He is heavily into drugs, it’s his livelihood after all. Oh and he’s a voyeur to, as he likes to take drugs and watch couples having sex. He knows the police are probably looking for him and he doesn’t want everyone to know his name, but he still a has drugs scattered all over his apartment. He the man to see for just about anything you need.
Is it difficult to shoot a movie in Tokyo ? I’ve heard it had been particularly complex, technically speaking. What were the difficulties ?
I didn’t encounter any difficulties, thanks to the production crew. They were wonderful throughout.
Was there a camera on the set to film an hypothetical making-of ?
What do you finally think about Enter the Void ?
I loved the kids, and Cyril was great. I reckon it was an incredibly difficult concept to put down on film, but Gaspar did a great job. The cinematography was really innovative and I really enjoyed it. I thought the ending was great.
In May, you were in Cannes. Is it a good souvenir ?
Going to Cannes was fantastic. It was an experience like no other. To walk up the Red Carpet was, to use a cliche, like a dream.
How were the reactions during and after the screening ?
Once or twice there was a little noise during the screening, and I can’t believe the number of people coughing. But afterwards the applause seemed to last forever, and I heard nothing but good things. Many people came up to me and said that it was fantastic, and that they had felt something special deep inside. It was an honour for me to have been a part of the occasion.
Are you going to Toronto, now ? [editor's note : the interview has been made in August 2009]
I can’t go to Toronto unfortunately. I’m afraid of flying, so I’m content not to go.
Thanks to Ed Spear

Ed Spear
FP/LTDT. Entretien avec Ed Spear. Le Temps Détruit Tout [en ligne]. Publié le 8 mai 2010. Consutatble à l'adresse : http://www.letempsdetruittout.net/interviews/ed-spear