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Kanye West's Video Banned... Because Of Epilepsy

24 février 2011

AllHipHop News : Kanye West may be under fire for allegedly borrowing the animated intro to his new video "All of the Lights," but there could also be health effects from viewing it as well. Epilepsy Action, a UK based epilepsy group, sent Kanye's video to be analyzed by Cambridge Research Systems, which analyzed the video using the "HardingFPA" machine. The research found that the rate at which the lights flash could trigger seizures, prompting Epilepsy Action to condemn the "All of the Lights" video. "This machine looks at whether video footage is likely to cause seizures," Epilepsy Action said in a statement. "We have today had confirmation that it contains material that may cause seizures in some people with photosensitive epilepsy." According to Epilepsy Action representatives, the video has been pulled from and will be banned from television, particularly in the United Kingdom. "Ofcom regulations mean that this video should not be broadcast on UK television," Epilepsy Action warned. "However, it is available online in a number of places. We are in the process of trying to contact Kanye West’s agent, YouTube and other online sources of the video to ask that they take it down. We have also contacted MTV and other TV stations to make them aware of the issue." Original news - thanks to Snas



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